The Roundabout Theatre Company is actually based down the street from my office on 46th Street. Over the years they have produced shows like Cabaret and an original reading of Spring Awakening (which I am going to see finally tonight!), and now they are promoting Pal Joey with Stockard Channing and have some more coming out with Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick in the Spring. Most of their tickets sell for regular prices ($74 and up), HOWEVER (this is a BIG "however" - notice the caps), if you are between the ages of 18-35, you can get tickets to ANY of their shows for only $20! Only $20! That's awesome! Also, they will have periodic promotions to get $10 tickets, sometimes with free after parties.
I went to see the play currently showing in their Black Box Theater on Sunday night called The Language of Trees about a family where the father is captured in Iraq in 2003 as a translator for the war. I thought it was good. The staging was excellent...almost a diagonal stage. There were a lot of underlying themes about different generational bridges in communication which I found fascinating. My dad was in town so I bought him (well, he ended up buying me...) a $10 ticket. Too good to be true right? Well, sort of. It turns out that not only do you have to be under 35 to buy the tickets, but also under 35 to USE the tickets. They let my dad and me pass this time, but they said it can't happen again. Oh well, at least I can still go :)
I'm going to see Streamers with some colleagues for only $15 in a few weeks. I'm telling you, if you like theater and have no money (or have money but are cheap and under 35) you should sign up for this mailing list.
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